A recent publication in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry presented evidence that brief exposure to sewage sludge could alter the reproductive behavior of goldfish due to the estrogenic compounds found in the sludge (Schoenfuss, H. L. et al. 2007 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Vol. 21, No. 10, pp. 2185–2190). The presence of female hormones in wastewater residuals and in water that receives combined sewer overflows is a matter of great concern. NJWRRI is currently funding research on the presence of such compounds in waters that receive sewer overflows and treated wastewater, in the hope of developing better regulations for these compounds.
What knowledge is there of endocrine compounds in wastewater, combined sewer overflows, or wastewater residuals in New Jersey? Is this something that we should be paying more attention to? Something that’s not as well understood as it needs to be? Or not a problem here?